The concept of a scientific research institute tailored to the specific conditions of “Ovidius” University of Constanta – OUC has been established based on a comprehensive analysis regarding the models of scientific research activities within the university and a specific model of an institute that could bridge the gap between education programs, innovation needs of the society and the sustainability of such an organization has been defined.
Using the defined model of the analysis, in 2011, the Senate of the “Ovidius” University of Constanta established the Institute of Nanotechnology and Alternative Energy Sources – INAES.
The aim of this institute is to aggregate the existing expertise and laboratory infrastructures within the university and to develop a model for the operation of scientific research activities, intimately linked with education activities and innovation projects developed with the socio-economic community at local, national and international levels.
The mission of INAES is to promote high performance scientific research activities in the field of nanotechnologies and nanosciences that could be applied in different fields and sectors but with an emphasis on sustainable energy, in order to develop innovative products and services with improved performances, a minimal use of resources and a minimal impact on the environment.
The institute is collaborating with faculties and departments of ”Ovidius” University but also it is actively involved in the European Institute of Technology as part of the Knowledge and Innovation Community for the sustainable use of raw materials : EIT-RawMaterials.
At regional level, INAES is collaborating with several innovation clusters as the MEDGreen Cluster specialized in ecotechnologies and alternative energy sources, Danube-Danube Delta-Black Sea Cluster specialized on blue growth, COSMOMAR – Center for Space Technology for Sustainable Development of Costal Areas and the Black Sea Universities Network.
The main pillars of the research activities of INSAE: