Institute for Nanotechnologies
and Alternative Energy Sources

About INSAE.
The concept of a scientific research institute tailored to the specific conditions of “Ovidius” University of Constanta – OUC has been established based on a comprehensive analysis regarding the models of scientific research activities within the university and a specific model of an institute that could bridge the gap between education programs, innovation needs of the society and the sustainability of such an organization has been defined.

Using the defined model of the analysis, in 2011, the Senate of the “Ovidius” University of Constanta established the Institute of Nanotechnology and Alternative Energy Sources – INSAE.
The aim of this institute is to aggregate the existing expertise and laboratory infrastructures within the university and to develop a model for the operation of scientific research activities, intimately linked with education activities and innovation projects developed with the socio-economic community at local, national and international levels.
The mission of INSAE is to promote high performance scientific research activities in the field of nanotechnologies and nanosciences that could be applied in different fields and sectors but with an emphasis on sustainable energy, in order to develop innovative products and services with improved performances, a minimal use of resources and a minimal impact on the environment.
The institute is collaborating with faculties and departments of ”Ovidius” University but also it is actively involved in the European Institute of Technology as part of the Knowledge and Innovation Community for the sustainable use of raw materials : EIT-RawMaterials.
At regional level, INSAE is collaborating with several innovation clusters as the MEDGreen Cluster specialized in ecotechnologies and alternative energy sources, Danube-Danube Delta-Black Sea Cluster specialized on blue growth, COSMOMAR – Center for Space Technology for Sustainable Development of Costal Areas and the Black Sea Universities Network.
The main pillars of the research activities of INSAE:
We understand the world’s requirement and provide quality works.
Sustainable Energy Solutions
Smart Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies
Multiscale modeling and simulation
Sustainable Transport Systems
Our Team
The activity is administered by a Board led by the Director of the Institute.
At present, the Director of the Institute is Prof. dr. Eden Mamut.
The priority research areas are defined by the International Scientific Committee of the institute.
The chair of International Scientific Committee is Prof. dr. Enrico Sciubba.
The research projects are proposed by the members of the academic staff from the collaborating faculties of the university and are implemented based on grants obtained from different donors or as contract-based services for third-party customers.

Research Infrastructure

The research infrastructure includes the following facilities:
- Laboratory for characterization of nanomaterials
- Laboratory for physico-chemical characterization of materials
- Laboratory for thermo-physical characterization of materials
- Laboratory of Electrochemistry, Fuel Cells and Batteries
- Laboratory for biotechnologies using controlled LASER sources
- Laboratory for multiscale modelling and stimulation
- HyRES platform – a unique facility for studying anaerobic fermentation processes of biomass and production of hydrogen using steam reforming technology
- Ovidius Cyber Cloud – a dedicated cloud for high throughput, high performance computing, data storage and management for scientific research, Open Science, Open Innovation and Open Education.
Main Projects
MULTISCALE – Research on the development of advanced materials and multiscale optimization by integrating nano-structured materials into advanced energy systems
The project is a complex scientific research, technology development, innovation and knowledge transfer activity developed by the INSAE team in partnership with nine companies.

Main Projects
Research on the development of advanced materials and multiscalar optimization by integrating nano-structured materials into advanced energy systems.
The aim of the project is to facilitate the access of a group of companies interested in the development of high value-added products and services through the transfer of knowledge from research activity, to the advanced expertise of UOC-INSAE in the field of development of nano-structured materials and their integration in complex energy systems and access to existing facilities on the Institute’s HyRES research platform.
Optimal allocation of resources by structuring adaptive systems using linear analysis methods.
The aim of the project is to develop an exploratory research plan that will facilitate the establishment of a decision support platform for the optimal allocation of resources in structured systems at different scales, to support a country’s efforts to achieve Sustainable Development goals. Multiscalar modeling identifies, examines and evaluates the possibilities of aggregating systems and systems in a hierarchical way. The activities will cover experimental and problem modeling aspects, in order to define models and algorithms for data processing.
Research-development-innovation project with support measures to strengthen participation in the EIT Raw Materials.
The project will contribute to consolidating the competitive advantages of Ovidius University of Constanța in order to participate in projects under the auspices of EIT RawMaterials and other research, technological development and innovation programs in the field. Specifically, the development of scientific research capacity within the Institute for Nanotechnologies and Alternative Energy Sources refers to the field of advanced materials with selective permeability, composite materials for complex, multifunctional structural applications, strategic materials for fuel cells and materials for bio-electrochemical systems.
The aim of the project is the development of a data center dedicated for high throughput, high performance computing, data storage and management for scientific research, Open Science, Open Innovation and Open Education.
At the same time, there will be developed prototype applications integrating multiscale and multiphysical modeling, distributed databases and quantum computing & engineering.
STINGS – Supervision of Tailings by an Integrated Novel Approach to Combine Ground-based and Space-borne Sensor Data
The project focuses on the use of satellite data combined with advanced modeling and in-situ measurements for the evaluation, monitoring and disaster prevention of tailings of mining exploitation for minimizing the environment impact and improving their resilience.
A specific emphasis is given to the reduction of pollutants as particulate matters (PM2,5 and PM10) for improving the quality of air.

PORTIS – Port-Cities: Integrating Sustainability
The CIVITAS PORTIS project aims the development of a systemic approach for implementing innovative measures dedicated to promote sustainable mobility in port cities from design, demonstration, up to evaluation of the impact.
The ambition of the project is to develop and implement a vision of sustainable mobility that can increase functional and social cohesion between city centers and the ports, whilst driving economic growth and improving the attractiveness of urban environments. The main highlights of the project include the following:
Promoting renewable energy sources
Reducing the GHG emissions
Promoting smart cities technologies based on sustainable mobility
Empowering transport, mobility and air quality control using IT Tools for modeling and simulation generic cases
Career Opportunities
Research Assistant Jobs
⦿ Research Assistant in Computer Science/Informatics/Data acquisition and data processing (5 positions);
⦿ Research Assistant in Experimental Physics (1 position);
Researcher Jobs
⦿ Researcher on Chemistry (1 position);
⦿ Researcher on Computer Science/Informatics/Data acquisition and data processing (2 positions);
In the INSAE Intern Program, you can be part of a team that shapes the future of Nanotechnology and Alternative Energy Sources. Our internship helps turn dreams into reality, brings innovation to market and help design our next generation of products. You’ll also be involved with everything from the institute, to networking events and exposure to executives and mentors. The internship experience goes beyond your assigned job.
If you are a Master or PhD student, you can opt for INSAE help to complete your final thesis. The institute benefits from a vast material base that can help you achieve an excellent work.
You come to work in a focused, highly collaborative culture and benefit from the experienced and internationally diverse colleagues that you’d expect to find in an expanding, innovative and professional company.
INSAE researchers benefit from continuous tailored training throughout their professional journeys in order to enhance their skills and facilitate their career development.
INSAE collaborates with the leaders of industry in order to achieve inovative solutions for creating a sustainable future.
Start your journey with us now
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Call us 08.30 -16.30.
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Where to find us
Mamaia Boulevard 124, Constanța 900527
University Alley 1,
Constanța 900527