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International Conference on:

„50 Years of Scientific Research & Applications on Nanotechnologies”

May 27th, 2024
“I. H. Rădulescu” Hall, Library of Romanian Academy, Bucharest


Scientific research in nanosciences and nanotechnologies represent a frontier area of investigations, with a wide range of applications in technology, medicine, environmental protection, etc. Although, the origins of the field have a long history, it was in 1974 when the term “nanotechnology” was proposed by Professor Norio Taniguchi, from Tokyo University of Science as a definition of the approach to structuring layers of matter by atomic or molecular manipulation.
About 2000, nanotechnology has been defined as a universal concept for understanding and controlling matter, energy and biosystems where an assemble of specific phenomena (such as quantum, confinement, molecular recognition, etc.) are dominant and may change the pathways in the creation of almost all products, changing medicine and understanding nature.
On the date 27 May 2024, in collaboration with the University of Bucharest, the National R&D Institute on Microtechnologies – IMT and the Romanian Academy, we intend to mark 50 years of scientific and technological discoveries and achievements in nanomaterials, nanotechnologies and related fields.


The event aims to offer a framework for free debates facilitating the exchange of ideas, best practices and knowledge in order to identify new directions to be followed for conceiving initiatives and policies addressing nanotechnologies in our country. The Conference is intended to offer a platform for dialogue and exchange of ideas between governmental agencies, Universities, science promotion NGOs and media and other various contributors from different disciplines.


At the event, there were invited the members of the scientific community in our country, from universities, research institutes, science promotion organisations and the specialized media to present an overview of the current state and perspectives in nanotechnologies.

Tentative program and schedule

Date: May 27th, 2024

Place: “I. H. Rădulescu” Hall, Library of Romanian Academy, Bucharest

09:30Registration of participants
10:00Welcome Speeches:
Acad. Ioan DUMITRACHE, Secretary General, Romanian Academy
Prof. Carmen CHIFIRIUC, Vice Rector, University of Bucharest
Dr. Andrei AVRAM, National R&D Institute on Microtechnologies
10:30Invited Keynote speeches:
Prof. Jun TANIGUCHI, Tokyo University of Science
Acad. Maria ZAHARESCU, Romanian Academy
Dr. Blanca SUAREZ MERINO, Director of Regulatory Affairs, Nanotechnology Industries Association
12:00Plenary Session:Current Trends on Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies”
Prof. Ioan STAMATIN, 3NanoSAE Research Centre, University of Bucharest
Dr. Octavian-Gabriel SIMIONESCU, National R&D Institute on Microtechnologies – IMT Bucharest
Prof. Eden MAMUT, Institute for Nanotechnologies & Alternative Energy Sources, Ovidius University of Constanța
13:00Moderated discussion & closure